Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Backing Up

Knitting teaches a life lesson:

Current project:  Shawl with a lace edge.  

Progress:  About 95% done.  

Status:  Knitting along, realize my stitch count is wrong, determine where the mistake is, try to correct it, make a mess.  

Response:  Wonder why I enjoy doing this.  Try to determine which would be worse--starting completely over or undoing what looks like could be ten (long) rows and hoping I will then be back on track.  

Decision:  Decide that starting over is too drastic at this point.  Settle in and start tinking (tink--knit spelled backwards, thus describing the unknitting process).  

Results:  Was able to get past the mess after tinking back just two rows, and I could see that the mistake was just a couple of more rows down from there.  

Conclusion:  Sometimes issues can look worse than they are.  Taking a deep breath and working on resolution a little at a time can make the process bearable.  The first emotional response is probably not the basis for the best decision.  And I do really love to knit. :-)

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