Tuesday, April 24, 2012

His and Hers

I love the layout of my kitchen--a nice big pantry, no corner cabinets, and good counter space.  From the time we moved in, I set up the area to the left of the stove as my baking area, and to the right of the stove is the cooking area.  With my husband and my various food issues, it has now evolved into his area to the left and mine to the right.  Functionally it still works as the baking and cooking areas, but the baking along with a few cooking tasks are not allowed to stray to cooking area.  

His side:

My side:
We had to take down the shelf in the lower cabinet, so the wire ones are filling in.  I use the glass baking dishes for roasting my sweet potatoes and winter squashes, so they get constant use and needed to be easy for me to access.
The three small skillets on the shelf get used everyday, so I wanted them easy to reach as well.  
To differentiate on the utensils, the white ones go on his side.
 And the colorful ones go on my side.  A quilter has to have the color, you know.
Lots of vegetable shopping means I need good knives.  I found this knife rack at Target and have loved it.
 His, hers, and they all lived happily ever after.

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