We have a sayin' roun' here: Make hay while the sun shines. Well, the sun was shining last weekend and my husband made hay.
About four or so years ago, we planted a lacy oak in our back yard, but it has done very poorly the past two or three seasons. A couple of weeks ago my husband dug it up and here is what we found:
The roots never spread out from the original ball, so the tree had never really gotten established. We had a small oak that had come up volunteer that my husband decided to put in its place. So the process of tree moving began.
He got a neighbor to help him get the tree up out of the ground.
Its new home. He re-dug the hole.
Set it in place.
All settled in.
I hope it likes its new home. The root ball fell apart in the move but hopefully it is a sturdy little oak with dreams of becoming a mighty tree.
Remember our mini-meadow? Not content just to move a tree, my husband also started getting our garden ready for planting.
The digging begins:
Now that is one beautiful sight:
And last, but not least, my husband trimmed our trees.
He was one tired guy at the end of the day.
Wow - that was a busy day. Hope the oak does well in its new home.