Thursday, February 3, 2011

Connecting the Dots

The weather is colder than normal here today and, of course, the computer is in one of the coldest parts of the house.  I have borrowed the fingerless gloves I made for my husband.  Really need to make myself some of these.  A standard of case of the cobbler's wife having no shoes.  Besides, those shawl patterns keep alluring me with their lovely lace designs.  Someday I must make myself some gloves (and hats)--someday.

With some help from my husband, who so kindly went fabric shopping with me, I was able to find all the fabric I needed for Starlight.  Here it is:

I love the colors for this quilt--bright, cheerful, and warm.  Because I want this to be my grandchild's quilt and not just a baby quilt, the goal was to find fabrics that were playful but not too childish.  Since I don't know if the baby is a boy or girl, I also needed something either would enjoy.  All of the fabrics except the golden yellow have dots in their patterns, so I am officially renaming this quilt Dot to Dot. 

In the meantime I have continued working on Starry-eyed Grandma and have almost all of the blocks pieced.  Rather than put it aside at this point, I am going to continue to work on the blocks as I get started on Dot to Dot.  Once I have all the blocks pieced, I will set it aside.  

In quilt group news, I have not made any further progress on the animal blocks, and one of my fellow quilters gave me one of her projects to do some quilting on, so I will be working on that for a bit.  Hope to have some pictures before too long.

Until then, I am off to have some fun with fabric.

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