Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving:  an offering of gratitude.  a looking around at life and seeing God's grace in both the joys and the sorrows.

For my family:  a loving husband. wonderful kiddos and kiddos-in-law. grandbabies! :-D extended family gatherings we look forward to attending instead of dreading. 

In this winter weather:  a pleasant home, warm clothes, good food.

Time:  time to quilt. time to knit. time to be with my quilting conspirators each week. :-)

Beauty:  sunrises. sunsets. fall color. wild flowers.

Fun:  good movies. music. meaningful conversations.  

Grace: comfort. encouragement. guidance. communion.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him and praise His name
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalms 100:4-5

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Studio Tour

Back when I purchased Mr. J, I rearranged my studio to accommodate two machines and to create a larger work surface for machine quilting.  Though the new set up functioned pretty well, I didn't like the way the room felt as much.  As I started working on larger projects, I had problems with the quilts catching on the corner of my sewing table.  Also, as I shifted the quilt around, I would find myself fighting the weight of the quilt not under the needle when it would start to fall to the floor.  

I had been mulling over the idea of a new configuration, but didn't think I could get everything to fit in the space right.  Finally, I pulled out my measuring tape and decided to give it a try.  Wow!  I love the space so much more, both how it looks and how it functions.  

Here is the before arrangement:
And here is the after:

View from the door

The first area is where I piece/sew.  I roll my chair around to where ever I need to work.  In the old arrangement, I tended to bump the wall as I got up and down to press or cut.
I moved this Elfa unit in from another part of our home. It will hold current projects so I can keep my workspace clear.
 To the side is my actual desk space where I do card making.  
A very important aspect to the arrangement was keeping a peninsula for cutting so I can work from either side of the table.
 And now I have an L-shaped workspace for quilting, eliminating the "catching on the corner" issue as well as creating a space for the quilt to spread out without falling onto the floor.

The workspaces feel more spacious, the overall feel of the room is more pleasant, and everything functions wonderfully.  Elzbee's Place is a very happy place.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pooh and Friends

When great-grandma is a quilter and a new great-grandbaby arrives, well, obviously, that great-grandbaby needs a quilt.  L. is such a great-grandma and so she made this cute Pooh-themed quilt. And I had the privilege of quilting it for her.  Here it is:  Pooh and Friends.

 A little meandering in the main blocks.
 Sprinkled some stars in the nine patches.
 L. really like these honey bees that I had done in an earlier quilt and requested them. 
 And Pooh just has to have honey bees.
More stars in the border and this quilt is ready for sleepy time.  

Monday, November 4, 2013