Monday, April 29, 2013

Is This Really Necessary?

"If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse."  
Prov. 27:14

I am wondering how to communicate this to a dove that has decided to coo outside our bedroom window at 3:30 in the morning.  My husband said, "Maybe it thinks it is a night owl."  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Intentional Introvertedness

Recently I did a search on Christian introvert, just to see what would come up. It was mostly blog posts, and it was interesting to see what a few had to say. Here are some thoughts on the subject spurred by my reading.

Being an introvert may determine how you prefer to use your time--for example, staying home to reading a book rather than going to a party.  However, it does not determine what you do with that time.  Extrovert or introvert, we can use our time well or waste it.  

Also, being an extrovert doesn't necessarily mean that you have more meaningful relationships.  Nor does being an introvert mean that you are a hermit.  Rather, it just means we relate to people differently.  And just like using time well or not, we can spend our energy meaningfully in relationships or not.

Introverts and extroverts can be good balances for each other.  Introverts can help ground extroverts, and extroverts can help us introverts not to be too serious.  I enjoy being around someone who is outgoing, who makes me laugh, who has the energy and inclination to create enjoyable gatherings.  I also enjoy quiet and intimate time with those I love, having deeper conversations and heart sharing.  

Rather than using our make-up to excuse our shortcomings, as is so easy for all of us to do, let us allow this knowledge of ourselves help us to serve and invest in the lives of others.  For me it means learning how to reach out from a place of solitude, balancing social and quiet time so that I am making time for relationships in my life.  It also means paying attention to people who cross my path to see where God is opening a door for relationships; and for those who just pass by, how even those momentary contacts can be substantive.  May God give me grace to be an intentional introvert.   


Monday, April 15, 2013

For Good Measure

Now that I have been on this journey through the food wilderness for three years, I am hopeful that I have finally come to a place where my tummy and I are on good terms again. There have been so many ups and downs, false starts, and dead end paths, that I was beginning to wonder if food would always be a necessary, but unpleasant battle. 

Since turning the corner at the end of the year, the overall progression has been steadily upward, with minor bumps here and there.  Whole wheat flour is a no, and I need to be careful with the chocolate.  Otherwise it is steady as she goes.  Though my meals are still on a rotation and eating out is still (and possibly always) not an option, I feel the best I have since beginning.  

One thing I have learned in this process, is how amazingly unique each of us is, and how important it is to listen to our bodies.  It takes sifting and sorting of all the good information out there to find out what actually fits our own particular makeup.  For me, the four meals was a huge key, and along with that is finding the best amounts of foods to eat.  Knowing that my eyes and my appetite can lead me astray and get me into trouble, having an objective measure helps me to stay on track.  The Pyrex 10 oz custard cup has turned out to be the perfect measure for my cereals and other starches.  
Here is to continued peace in the land of the tummy.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hobbit Themes

Recently I started reading The Hobbit aloud to my husband.  He has never read the story, so it has been fun sharing it with him.  Dear Bilbo and his adventures, and his longings for his hobbit hole, make me laugh with understanding.

My day has become a little more hobbit-like with my meals.  Here they are:

Chard or Kale
Almond milk

Just tea, thank you:

Beef or chicken (leftovers from previous evening)
Acorn squash or butternut squash
Broccoli or asparagus
A chocolate treat

Afternoon snack:
Peanut butter, split peas, sunflower butter, or hummus
Apple or pear

Beef or chicken
Potatoes or sweet potatoes
Spinach salad or romaine salad

My tummy and I are holding an uneasy truce in the process, but so far we haven't had any major conflicts.  I had thought it might be difficult to work around four meals, but that has gone well, too.  I have about three hours in-between meals, and I slotted in about 2 1/2 hours of to-dos. (Always good to leave some leeway, if possible, in a schedule.) So far, so good--I am hoping the peace holds.  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hook, Line, and Sinker

Here is another rail fence quilt put together by one of the ladies in my quilt group.  
The colors are so pretty, and it was really fun to quilt.  
 Wavy lines add texture without any concern for symmetry, making it fun and fast.
Meandering on the border to capture the idea of water.  I love machine quilting! :-)