Monday, May 27, 2013

She came, she saw....

....she decided not to conquer.

Sometimes you just have to give a thing a try to discover that it really isn't something you want to do.  During the month of May, I took a shawl design class at my local yarn store. Most shawls consist of lace patterns which are usually written in chart form.  Charts are great.  I find them easy to read and use, but creating one was much harder than it would seem.  After several days of wrestling over how one gets a pattern into chart form, and then creating a simple pattern, I came away from the exercise fully convinced that my creative ability does not naturally flow in that direction.  It is like learning another language, and I am sure over time I could gain some skill in it, but I would rather direct that energy into my quilting--especially since I am starting to get requests for my work, but that will be a subject for another time if anything comes of it.  

So, I want to express my appreciation to all those wonderful knitting designers who make the lovely patterns I can enjoy knitting.  Thank you!

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