Monday, January 21, 2013

Going with the Grain

I was sorry that I didn't have good posts to both end and begin the new year, but this past year does feel like I have started at one place, walked a giant circle, and have ended up in the general vicinity of where I began almost three years ago.  At the same time, it feels like a new and better place.  

Around November, I started having issues with my limited, but by all other accounts healthy diet.  A trip to my doctor, plus one to a gastroenterologist yielded only the suggestion of trying  some digestive enzymes.  Not a bad suggestion as it was something I wondered about trying, but was a bit wary of.  Gave that a go, but as with all other synthetic supplements and vitamins before, my body was not receptive to the idea.  

By the time we had arrived in the Northeast to celebrate our younger daughter's wedding in early January, I was so frustrated that I threw caution to the wind and joined in the feasting. No issues!  I wondered what this meant and by the time we got home felt a little lost in regards to how and what to eat.  

Thankfully, I had also made an appointment with a dietitian before the holidays, and that happened a week after our return.  While she didn't offer me anything really new, it was very helpful to have someone to talk to who understood the complexity of dealing with food issues.  I was encouraged to move forward in adding foods back into my diet.

Since then, here is what I have discovered.  Whole grains and nuts are a no, but processed grains and nuts are okay.  Examples:  brown rice, no.  brown rice crispies, yes.  Oats, no. Cherrios, yes.  Almonds, no.  Almond milk, yes.  And, as much as possible, avoiding things "enriched" with vitamins.  

I have had French toast (yum!), English muffin loaf, and biscuits successfully.  I am enjoying hot tea again.  The biscuits were made with a margarine containing palm, canola, soy, flax, and olive oils.  So far, so good.  This opens worlds of possibilities to me, and it is with some difficulty that I am making myself proceed with caution.  

For the most part, I am limiting myself to the grain and nut family for the next few months, to see how I do over time.  That will be the real test.  I am also working to keep grains to no more than half my starch intake.  Right now it is about a third, and I believe that will work well.  Fruits are still a problem based on what little I have tried there, and I am in no hurry to push that issue.  In fact, I am wondering now if they weren't more of an issue than the grains all along. 

What does this look like in the day to day?


Greens (Kale or chard--they are as essential to me now as orange juice was before)
Cereal or bread

Lunch and dinner:
As I have been doing up to this point.

I continue to work with a menu plan/rotation, since I am wired that way, but can easily shift things around as needed.  

We will see where things go from here.  Bon appetit!

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