Thursday, March 22, 2012

Organic vs. Conventional

While I didn't head down the organic path kicking and screaming, it was with a hefty amount of skepticism.  There have been so many "health" trends come and go, I pretty much ignore whatever is the latest and greatest health "discovery" these days.  And I know that the term "organic" is thrown around rather loosely.  So why do I buy organic?

Just because a product was grown organically doesn't mean it is chemical free.  It should mean, though, that the chemicals used are naturally, rather than synthetically, based.  Consequently they should work more in line with the plants natural processes.  Also, the theory behind growing organic is to use fewer chemical rather than more, thus exposing us to fewer chemicals.  In principle, organic should mean working with nature to make nature flourish, which I believe is central to the way God created things to work.  So, on that basis, I support the movement toward growing food organically.  

That being said, buying organic is not always practical or affordable, so this past year I have been working through balancing the organic and the conventional.  Here is where I have landed:

If what I am buying cannot be peeled, I try to buy organic as much as possible.  This means all my greens; flours, grains, and cereals for my husband; and canned products.  Whatever fresh produce I can, I buy at my local farmers' market.  

If it is something I can peel, I buy organic when I can, but will go conventional if the organic doesn't look good or isn't available.

If it is a root crop (potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes), I buy conventional.  The exception to that being carrots because the ones at my local farmers' market taste so much better than what I get at the store. I also have found that organic dried fruit tends to spoil much more quickly than conventional, so I generally buy conventional.  

Beef I buy from a local ranch, eggs I get at the farmers' market, and chicken I still buy conventionally because I only like thighs, and I haven't found a practical way to go local or organic there. 

I would say that, overall, my diet is about 60/40 to 70/30 organic to conventional, and I am satisfied with that.  My plan for the coming year is to just keep a steady course, and after that, we shall see.  

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