Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mixed-up Split

Remember the Ugly Duckling quilt?  Well, I have another one on my hands, but I am afraid that there is no swan potential at all for this one.  The block is called the Disappearing Nine Patch, but since it involves splitting a block in half both vertically and horizontally, I am naming this quilt the Mixed-up Split.  

First, we started with nine 5 inch squares which we then sewed into a 3 by 3 block.  The block is then cut down the middled from top to bottom, and then again from side to side.  The pieces are rearranged as desired and reassembled together.  It actually is a pretty nice pattern.  We each made a block and then put them together in a quilt.  The problem was that some of the blocks had nine different fabrics and some had three.  Some were put together one way and some another.  There is no cohesiveness or order to this quilt.  The quilting I am doing on it has not improved it, so I am just considering it a good practice opportunity with Mr. J.  With this design, I am working on quilting straight lines both vertically and horizontally, and making stars and an ivy type design from a variety of directions.
Mixed-up split
Ivy and Stars
Straight lines
My next UFO projects looks to be much more fun.  It is called Painted Desert.  I nabbed the striped fabric from the UFO bin several months ago, but there were only fifteen 8 inch squares.  I have been searching for a pattern that would allow me to use this fabric as the main fabric, but not require a lot of it.  The quilt pictured below is the inspiration.
 And these are the fabrics I will be using.
The dotted fabric in the back will be the backing for the quilt and may be used at the corners of the sashing and in the border.  More pictures to come.

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