Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A-Peeling, Part 2

To peel or not to peel?  That was the question.  While tis better to peel than not, the abundance of peeling makes peeling very unappealing sometimes.  But with organic, I needn't panic, so not peeling is fine, some of the time. (Okay, Shakespeare I am not, but Fezzik and I would get along quite well.)

As I did some digging concerning the peeling issue, I went back and looked at past pictures again.  In the 2007 Christmas pictures I did not have the rosacea, but in the 2008 Christmas pictures I did.  Going through our past health reimbursement file, I saw that I started taking Fosomax in January of 2008.  This, I believe may be a, if not the, big factor in my health issues. Considering that I was on it for two years, I figure I should give myself a minimum of two years to heal.  

Things continue to be better overall, but I have noticed that the Metrogel I am using for the rosacea doesn't seem to be keeping it as clear as it did.  Could this be because of the calcium I am taking or is it losing its effectiveness as some have reported it doing?  And why do somethings seems to bother me one time and not another.  And sometimes what I think is the thing bothering me isn't the issue at all.  At this point I am doing all I know to do to address all the issues, so when things get out of sorts, all I can say to my body is "Sorry, you just have to deal with it."  Hopefully, my positive efforts over time will begin to outweigh the negative things I can't avoid.  

So, I will hold to this course, and unless something major turns up, I plan to lay this topic to rest.  I pray a blessing of good health for myself and those I love. 


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