Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A-Peeling, Part 2

To peel or not to peel?  That was the question.  While tis better to peel than not, the abundance of peeling makes peeling very unappealing sometimes.  But with organic, I needn't panic, so not peeling is fine, some of the time. (Okay, Shakespeare I am not, but Fezzik and I would get along quite well.)

As I did some digging concerning the peeling issue, I went back and looked at past pictures again.  In the 2007 Christmas pictures I did not have the rosacea, but in the 2008 Christmas pictures I did.  Going through our past health reimbursement file, I saw that I started taking Fosomax in January of 2008.  This, I believe may be a, if not the, big factor in my health issues. Considering that I was on it for two years, I figure I should give myself a minimum of two years to heal.  

Things continue to be better overall, but I have noticed that the Metrogel I am using for the rosacea doesn't seem to be keeping it as clear as it did.  Could this be because of the calcium I am taking or is it losing its effectiveness as some have reported it doing?  And why do somethings seems to bother me one time and not another.  And sometimes what I think is the thing bothering me isn't the issue at all.  At this point I am doing all I know to do to address all the issues, so when things get out of sorts, all I can say to my body is "Sorry, you just have to deal with it."  Hopefully, my positive efforts over time will begin to outweigh the negative things I can't avoid.  

So, I will hold to this course, and unless something major turns up, I plan to lay this topic to rest.  I pray a blessing of good health for myself and those I love. 


Monday, July 18, 2011

Vary A-Peeling

After watching all the "latest and greatest" health food fads come and go, I have become  skeptical about any pronouncement of the newest healthy thing on the market.  When organic products came on the market, I pretty much dismissed them along with the rest.  However, both my research dealing with my food issues, plus reading The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollen, changed my opinion.  Consequently I am buying more and more organic products and finding the more I do, the better I do.  

With the summer heat taking its toll on the local farmers, I am having to look more to the grocery store for my produce.  The organic produce at my local grocery and Sprouts really leave a lot to be desired, so I made a trek to Whole Foods this past week.  Comparatively it was like walking into an organic produce wonderland.  They sure know how to do a beautiful display.  Though they have the Whole Paycheck reputation, the produce isn't really higher than what I would be paying at the farmer's market, and I was surprised to find that some of their store-brand products were less than what I was paying elsewhere on sale. No complaints about that.  While my diet is not excessively expensive, it is more costly than what it was before I began this journey, so any opportunity to spend a little less is a bonus.  Looks like Whole Foods will become a regular shopping stop for me.   

Summer fruit is the one thing I look forward to in the summer.  I am doing fine with organic peaches and nectarines, but iffy with non-organic the cherries and the plums.  I did fine, though, with the plum when I peeled it.  (There is no way I am going to start peeling cherries.)  Is the issue that they weren't organic or that they weren't peeled.  Some organic plums will be the test.  To peel or not to peel...that is the question.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Last Dot

Signed, sealed, and delivered to its sweet, wonderful, amazing little recipient. (Sorry--a little grandma mushiness kicked in.)  This was such a fun project (thank you, Mr. J.) and I was very pleased with the results.  Without further ado, here is Dot to Dot:
Front side

Back view

Small star detail

Hidden pictures

The block

Quilting detail-back

More quilting detail-back

Yet more quilting detail-back.  The way this lined up wasn't planned, but it sure worked out nicely.

The two sides together