Wednesday, October 14, 2009

An Unforeseen Consequence-A wooly tale

Once there was a woman who took up knitting and discovered the wonders of wool.  While reading some knitterly items on-line, she came across a discussion on making felted wool balls to use in the dryer.  She liked the idea of an alternative to softener sheets, especially since they seemed to multiply like rabbits each time she used one and would turn up in the oddest places.

Off she went to order some natural colored yarn and soon had four lovely wool balls.  The first experiment was with drying sheets and they helped wonderfully in keeping the sheets from balling up on themselves.  "Very nifty," she thought.  Next came using them to dry her white load of clothes, and again she was pleased with the results.  

"I will make four more balls of pretty colored yarn to use with my medium and dark loads of clothes," she thought, and she did.  So much did she like her little wooly balls that she decided to make even more to use for Christmas gifts.  

Then, one day she noticed that her knit work pants were feeling a little prickly.  Alas, her little wooly balls were leaving wooly fibers in her clothes.  Sadly she went back to chasing dryer sheets around the house, and wondered what to do with all her little wooly friends.  

Remembering an idea she saw for storing leftover yarns from knitting projects, she bought a nice jar for them to live in and placed them in her guest room where they could entertain her visitors.  

She still wanted to keep using her first wooly balls for her sheets so she decided to give them nylon jackets and hopes that that will keep the prickly fibers at bay.

And they all lived happily ever after. 

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